Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Is China ready for the Olympics

Received this email the other day, and for the first time in years, forwarded it on (yes I did this subtle virus' sharing practice) to a few of my friends and family. Alas it didn't go through, and I thought it too good to let it succumb to the fate of all my past emails...slipping down into mailbox obscurity, only to be deleted in one mass execution during a late night OCD attack.

So here it is...actually just some pretty funny pics of how NOT ready the chinese are for the upcoming olympics. I have no guilt in sharing this, as I just recently read another of those all too common reports on Chinese products killing people, and this is my shot back. (by the way that story is appalling, being a company that sold cough syrup to South America, knowing it was actually Ethylene Glycol, a poison commonly used in antifreeze. Yes it has killed 100s and no, nothing has or will ever be done to stop, uh, don't by chinese...and starve I guess)

Are they ready? Me thinks not

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