Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ah its been a while

Hello strangers...well all 2 of you who actually visit this site.

The reason for the silence is that I do not have a tons to share so far. Life sometimes is on cruise control and we can daze off for sections where we don't even notice the scenery. What updates I do have are as follows:

No news on UM med school, though May 15th marks an important day for the Med student to be. On this day we must declare only 1 school, forcing those holding multiple spots to relinquish the ones they do not want. This causing a massive shuffling as new spots open up, letting those of us on waitlists a chance at gaining a spot. Nothing yet, as the trickle down effect somtimes takes days to weeks. If nothing ever comes, then I will gladly start here in Miami at Nova. Either way I am in for a fun filled 4 years.

Been trying to stay busy in between semesters so I decided to improve my music collection. Check out my new collection at my online site

Finished teaching the class of nurses I have been working with for 2 years. Actually a sad day as I was close to many of them. Cool thing about this however, is that I will have upwards of 100 nurses I know well that I will be working with over the next 4 years doing my med school rotations. Here are some pics of a few of my students on our final day of school this year.

Awesome class of students! Good news is we just put out over 100 awesome nurses into the hospitals to take care of you all when you're sick (well at least in south florida).

Ok more news when I have some more to share.

1 comment:

Ron Ray said...

Chad, you've always given of yourself without expecting anything in return. When I read your story about the little boy giving back the $20 he found it reminded me so much of you when I met you at the age of 14. That's a trait I've always admired about you Chad. You are a kind and giving person. When I grow up I want to be more like you! Ron